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Taroona Beach (east) off-lead area


Taroona Beach east of the boat ramp is a declared off-lead dog exercise area as of Friday 30 November 2018 .


The boat ramp itself is on-lead, as are the car park, foreshore trail and grassed areas. The beach west of the boat ramp is restricted - no dogs here! These conditions apply at all times of the day and every day of the year.


To ease the community into these new sharing arrangements, Council compliance officers may pay regular visits to this area. If you see them, talk to them and clarify any rules/boundaries so that it’s clear what is expected of you as a responsible dog walker accessing this resource. I’m sure you’ll be respectful - they are there to aid this transition for our community.


So come on down to our new off-lead exercise area starting at the eastern edge of the boat ramp, turn left and enjoy the sand and waves, right up to Bachelor's grave. Pick up poo and consider asking others to do the same. Use the bins provided. Respect other people/dogs and read body language. Some dogs don’t consent to being approached nor do they want to play with all other dogs - it’s not personal. If you’re unsure, ask. Socialise but pay attention to your dog and be ready to intervene. Be aware of the big rocks and boulders as obstacles. If it’s crowded, come back later.


Remember: NO DOGS allowed on the rest of the beach or within 10m of the playground. ON LEAD in the car park, on the foreshore trail and on the grassed areas around the BBQ, exercise equipment and public toilets.


If you are looking to unleash your dog on the 130m of beach we have been allocated, you do so under the legal condition of Effective Control. This means your dog comes to you when called regardless of distractions. If you find you do not have that control, re-leash your dog. An uncontrolled dog may be cute to you but is a nuisance for others - please don’t be that owner.


For training hints and tips on teaching good recall, ask us. We can point you in the direction of resources and tools - all you have to do is be consistent and invest the time and effort.


KDWA and its supporters worked really hard to obtain this access for you - please demonstrate how much you appreciate it by playing by the rules. Speak up to other users politely but firmly if it’s obvious they need clarity on what they can and can’t do.


NOTE: Council can still review and remove this access. Let’s show them our community can be trusted to use the beach lawfully and responsibly. And urge your neighbours and family and visitors to do the same.


A small but vocal group of locals (Safe Beaches Taroona) are very unhappy with having dogs on the beach, and they might speak to you and take your photo if you flout the rules, so please don't. If you feel harassed, intimidated or threatened by these locals, please report this to the Council and to KDWA, even if you were in the wrong. It is up to everyone in the community to make this work and behave appropriately.


Thank you so much. See you there!


President KDWA 2018-2019




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