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KDWA Achievements

Since we started in 1998, KDWA has achieved a lot for dog owners in Kingborough, including access to fantastic off-lead exercise areas and dog walks (...More)
  • Kingborough Council election 2022 Candidates Dog Survey (...More)

  • Supported the greyhound petition (...More)

  • Kingborough Council by-election 2021 Candidates Dog Survey (...More)

  • "Renting with Dogs" - initiated, produced and publicized information brochures for tenants and landlords

  • Upgraded dog agility equipment at Dru Point, added seats and water points, and added a puppy exercise area (funded by the Tasmanian Community Fund and Kingborough Council) (...More)

  • Consulted with Kingborough Council to add a priority quiet dog area at Kingston View Drive

  • Produced Kingborough Dog Owner's Handbook in collaboration with Dr Katrina Ward and Kingborough Council (...More)

  • "What Dogs Can Do" demonstration event (Dru Point, 2019)

  • Input into the 2018 Kingborough Dog Management Plan (...More)

  • Kingborough Council election 2018 Candidates Dog Survey (...More)

  • Taroona Beach (east) declared as an off-lead area (2018) (...More)

  • Fencing of Kingston View Drive off-lead dog park (thanks to Kingborough Council) (December, 2018)

  • Peter Murrell Reserve

    • We negotiated with Parks and Wildlife to allow dog-walking access and were represented on the management committee from 1999 until the management committee ceased in about 2010

    • We got changes made to a bus stop at Burwood Drive to maintain parking for the Blackmans Bay corner of the reserve

  • Suncoast Dog Park: we asked the Council for another dog park. They suggested Suncoast, fenced it and provided water. We built the dog play equipment, planted the tress and paid for the picnic tables

  • We campaigned successfully for relaxation of federal laws related to dogs at outdoor eating establishments

  • We got the proposed Tasmanian Dog Control Act 1999 replaced with the slightly friendlier Dog Control Act 2000

  • Dru Point dog exercise area: we were on the formation committee and built the dog playground

  • We took part in discussions to open new walking tracks, resulting in publication of the Kingborough Tracks booklet (...More)

  • Tyndall Beach (Kingston Dog Beach): we negotiated with Council to gain access to the southern end of the dog beach from Browns River to the corner of Balmoral Road in recognition of the changing location of Browns River.

  • We held three highly-successful "Vets in the Park" days, and a training day with a renowned animal trainer

  • We are a founding member of the Tasmanian Dog Walking Clubs Inc., which provides a statewide voice advocating responsible dog ownership

  • We have encouraged other clubs, helping to start both the Hobart and Huon Dog Walking Associations, and recently welcoming the Sorell and Derwent Valley Dog Walking Associations.


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