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About KDWA

Promoting the benefits of dog ownership within our society - campaigns & activities

KDWA was formed in 1998 as the first dog interest group in Tasmania, and is a founding member of Tasmanian Dog Walking Clubs Inc., the Tasmanian umbrella organisation for dog walking clubs.


We encourage responsible dog ownership and we lobby for changes that will improve the wellbeing of dogs and their owners. We are funded only by our membership fees and money from any successful grant applications. These funds enable KDWA to contribute to local projects and facilities which can be enjoyed by all families in the community.  
Our major achievements include the establishment, retention and improvement of dog walking areas within our municipality, both on-lead and off-lead. We have been the driving force behind the recent dog exercise area projects at Dru Point, Kingston View Drive and Taroona Beach. We have partnered with Kingborough Council to produce the Dog Owner’s Handbook, a useful and free resource for dog owners in Kingborough. Since our formation, we have organised free vet advice days and demonstration events to promote the benefits of responsible dog ownership to the community.


New members are very welcome. You might like to join us. Those without dogs but who would like to support our work and enjoy our activities, are very welcome - there is no need to have a dog yourself. 


Committee Members 2024/2025


President: Katrina Ward

Vice President: Deborah Fleming

Secretary: Fiona Masters

Treasurer: Simon Barnsley

Venie Philips

Jess Adams


Public Officer: Ailsa Richards

Newsletter Editor: Jess Adams

AGM 2024
The 26th AGM of the KDWA was held at 7pm on Thursday 12 September 2024 at the Kingston library.
AGM Minutes
AGM treasurers report
AGM annual report
AGM 2023

The 25th AGM of the KDWA was held at 7pm on Thursday 7 September 2023 at the Kingston library.

Relevant documents may be downloaded using these links:

AGM agenda

Nomination form

Proxy form


AGM 2022

The 24th AGM of the KDWA was held at 7pm on Thursday 22 September 2022 at the Kingston library.

Relevant documents may be downloaded using these links:

AGM agenda

Nomination form

Proxy form

AGM 2021

The 23rd AGM of the KDWA was held at 7.30pm on Thursday 9th September 2021 at the Kingston Library.

Relevant documents (PDF) can be downloaded using these links:

AGM agenda
Nomination form
Proxy form
AGM 2020


The 22nd AGM of the KDWA was held at 7pm on Thursday 10th September 2020 at the Kingston Library. There were 17 attendees, and the  main business of the meeting was the election of the executive and committee for the 2020-21 year.

After the AGM formalities, we heard from our guest speaker Michael Sertori from Dogs' Homes of Tasmania (DHOT). Michael began his presentation with his background and how he became the CEO of DHOT. He elaborated on the important role DHOT plays in the State, the challenges they face, and offered insightful opinions on how dogs' welfare in the State can be improved further. Michael’s presentation was very well received by everyone and was followed by a light supper.


A copy of the minutes of the KDWA 2020 AGM may be found here.


AGM 2019


The 21st AGM of the KDWA was held on Thursday 19th September 2019 at the Kingston Library. There were 17 attendees and 10 apologies. The main business of the meeting was the election of the executive and committee for the 2019-20 year.


After the meeting there was a very interesting presentation by our invited speaker, Sergeant Iain Shepherd from the Tasmania Police Dog Handlers Unit, and his dog Bernie. This was followed by supper and an opportunity for members to meet the incoming committee.




A copy of the KDWA constitution is available here.


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